Are they for you?
Hell yes! They are for everybody! After the bumbled proposal and the inevitable “yes”, that’s when the fun begins. Choosing your best man, your bridesmaids, deciding which guests to invite and whether you really like your cousin twice removed enough is just the beginning. The Engagement Shoot is the least of your worries 🙂

Let’s Get To Know Each Other!
Who is going to book the venue, hunt for the best wedding photographer (ahem), and design the invites? And of course let’s not forget the BIG questions like “what colour socks shall I wear?” Don’t see this as a negative though, it happens to the best of us. For all the inevitable questions, and for all the planning, have you stopped and thought about having an Engagement Shoot?
The popularity of the Engagement Shoot is on the rise no doubt. Through the sometimes hazy and crazy minefield, navigating all of the wedding preparation, the planning, the food tasting, folk can easily be distracted from what the wedding is all about. You! It’s also a great way to immortalise a time when you actually liked each other, so in years to come you can look back at the pics and remember why you actually got married. This will soften the blow when your partner’s snoring is driving you bonkers.
All joking aside, apart from being an fab way for all of us to get to know each other before the big day, it’s a chance to take a bit of time out and enjoy each other’s company, and step away from the build up. Not that planning a wedding isn’t fun of course, but it’s important to make those memories for the whole wedding planning process, not just the wedding day itself.
But I hate having my picture taken
Ok, so you’ve come this far and you still are thinking “but I hate having my picture taken.” You know, if I had a pound for every time I heard that I’d have given up photography and bought my own SpaceX rocket.
Honestly, I get it. I hate having my pic taken too. Like, really hate it. Having said that, it’s one of the main reasons Engagement Shoots are so cool. They are best way to get comfortable in front of the camera, and with me taking your photos before your wedding day.
Every couple I’ve ever photographed has said “you know what, that was great fun. Not what I expected at all”. Or perhaps “it wasn’t too bad”. High praise indeed.
Anyway, quit your whinging and embrace it. Embrace each other! Pretend I’m not even there, a bit like my teenage daughters. Let’s go for a wander, have a laugh, and I reckon we’ll get some amazing photos along the way.

No pressure to book alongside your wedding, have a think and decide nearer the time once you know if budget allows. But yes, it’s totally worth it. And if it’s not for you, no worries at all. Are you really going to miss that chocolate fountain though? Yea actually on second thoughts, I probably will. Mmmmm, chocolate…
Engagement shoot



Pretty good huh? If you like what you see, and if I pass the vibe check, simply drop me your deets below and we’ll talk! 🙂